RJ Software builds practical apps in various fields of application. They are a range of utility software like PC enhancement software, educational software, and Business software. The software products are built to work with Windows operating systems.
Here are the series of Windows operating systems that supported RJ software.
Windows 95

Windows 95 got released in 1995 with a significant upgrade to the windows design. It presents a new user interface and comes with additional internal improvement.
Windows 98
Windows 98 is an operating system that gives support to new technologies such as AGP, FAT32, MMX, DVD, USB, and ACPI. The distinctive feature of the OS is the active desktop that integrates the Internet Explorer browser.
Windows ME
Windows ME (Millennium Edition) was an update of Windows 98 core. It includes some of the features of Windows 2000 operating system. The versions saw the removal of the ‘boot in DOS’ operation.
Windows 2000

Windows 2000 was designed to work with business laptops and desktops, to connect to the internet, run applications, access files, and printers, among others.
Windows XP
Released in 2001, Windows XP is notably one of the most popular of the Windows operating system. It has the professional and Home versions. It is the most stable and reliable of the windows OS products. Mobility, plug and play features among others, are features of focus by Microsoft.
Windows NT
Windows NT (New Technology) operating system is a 32-bit OS with preemptive multitasking capability. There are two versions – Windows NT server and Windows NT workstation.
Windows Vista

Windows Vista is built on the stability of Windows XP. It offers advancement in security, reliability, performance and manageability on what is available on Windows XP. It has strong security features, faster boot-up time, and low power consumption. Windows Vista centralizes and simplifies desktop configuration management and saves cost in maintenance of your system.
Windows 7

To succeed Windows Vista, Windows 7 was released in 2009. The new features in Windows 7 are multi-touch support, improved performance, Aero Shake Aero snap, Internet Explorer 8, enhanced performance and security, and the list goes on.
RJ software is compatible with Windows software that were released back then when the software solutions were built. All the products are compatible with many of the Windows versions above except Windows 2000 and Windows 7. These two only works with the popular Clockwise app.
The Clockwise app is compatible with Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows Vista and Windows 7.